Thursday, July 10, 2014

Caryn Rivadeneira author of Broke Part Two

My guest is Caryn Rivadeneira author of Broke: What Financial Desperation Revealed about God's Abundance. Caryn Rivadeneira is a sought-after writer, speaker and a regular contributor to Christianity Today's Her.Meneutics as well as columnist for Re:Frame Media's ThinkChristian blog. Host James Allen. Aired on KKVV Las Vegas.

Caryn Rivadeneira author of Broke Part Two

 My guest is Caryn Rivadeneira author of Broke: What Financial Desperation Revealed about God's Abundance. Caryn Rivadeneira is a sought-after writer, speaker and a regular contributor to Christianity Today's Her.Meneutics as well as columnist for Re:Frame Media's ThinkChristian blog.Host James Allen. Aired on KKVV Las Vegas.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Caryn Rivadeneira author of Broke

 My guest is Caryn Rivadeneira author of Broke: What Financial Desperation Revealed about God's Abundance. Caryn Rivadeneira is a sought-after writer, speaker and a regular contributor to Christianity Today's Her.Meneutics as well as columnist for Re:Frame Media's ThinkChristian blog.Host

True Sexuality Part Two

 Dr. Kim Eckert returns to my show. Dr. Kim Eckert is a licensed psychologist in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She is the author of Things Your Mother Never Told You: A Woman's Guide to Sexuality.

True Sexuality Part One

 My guest is Kim Eckert, author of Things Your Mother Never Told You: A Woman's Guide to Sexuality. Dr. Kim Gaines Eckert is a licensed psychologist in Chattanooga, Tennessee.